Search engine ranking

If you are not using search engine optimization to help increase your Google rankings, then your website is more than likely in need of dire help. If you are not spending time and money to raise your search engine rankings so that your site appears higher up on search results pages, then people are probably not spending time and money on your website. Here are a few reasons that you should be investing in SEO as well as a few facts about the company that your company is trying to impress.

1. no one can say that the inventors of Google are not creative, but did you know that When Google was still a research project, its founders used LEGO bricks to create a storage compartment for the 10 four GB hard drives they were using to test the PageRank algorithm?

2. Though you might think that the quick and cheap solution to higher Google rankings is a sponsored result. However, between 70 and 80 percent of Internet search engine users pay no attention to sponsored results. Rather than clicking on the obviously paid for link they instead choose organic results.

3. You might not think that it is important, but companies that blog have 434 percent more indexed pages. These result in more leads which will more than likely result in your company making more money.

4. Almost 60 percent of business to business marketers claim that search engine optimization has the largest influence on their lead generation. If this many people swear by it, then there must be something to it.

5. Did you know that the PageRank algorithm process was named for Larry Page who was one of the co founders of Google?

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