Why is Google Rankings So Important?

If you had seen the most recent Google news stories you probably read that Eric Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman, just received a performance bonus consisting of $100 million in stock options and $6 million in cash. This is only the latest story that merely hints at the international dominance Google has built over the last […]

The Secret Behind Google Search Results

On February 26, 2009, Google tweeted for the first time. To most of us it looked like gibberish, but if your familiar with binary code, it read “I’m feeling lucky.” It seems like a particularly appropriate quote for what has become the dominant search engine in most peoples lives. If the internet is the information […]

The Power of Google

The very first google doodle dates back to 1998, and depicts the burning man. it was intended as an out of office message to show people that the two founders of google were at the famous Nevada festival known as Burning Man. It should be noted that 92 percent of online adults in the United […]

Top Five Reasons to Care About Raising Your Google Rankings

If you are not using search engine optimization to help increase your Google rankings, then your website is more than likely in need of dire help. If you are not spending time and money to raise your search engine rankings so that your site appears higher up on search results pages, then people are probably […]

14 percent Of Closed Sales Through SEO Lead Generation, Compared To 17 percent For Outbound Lead Generation, Meaning That Search Marketing Is Essential To Business Growth

It is surprising to discover that Google relied on Legos to house their hard drives during the PageRank algorithm testing phase. Today, Google rankings are responsible for more internet marketing strategies and online marketing development among the search engine optimization industry than every other search engine, as this online juggernaut receives as much as 70 […]