The Benefit of SEO Reporting

Google controls approximately 70% of the internet search market, which means that it is far and away the most popular search engine in the world. The only thing that could end Google’s reign of dominance is if people stopped using it. All that has to be done is to begin a campaign to boycott Google, […]

Increase Your Ranking to Generate Business

Are you frustrated because your website does not seem to be generating any new leads for your business? The world of internet marketing can be tricky, especially if you are unfamiliar with all the options out there. The trick is to optimize your internet presence. Search engine optimization, or SEO, utilizes a variety of tactics […]

What To Know About SEO Blogs

Did you know that goats are responsible for grazing the lawn at the headquarters of Google? It is part of their commitment to environmental responsibility. Since goats can naturally tends to the lawn, they cut down on carbon emissions. This is just one of the reasons Google is ranked as one of the most important […]

SEO News Can Keep You Sharp

SEO news can tell you a lot about what is going on in the sphere of marketing. In 2009, Google released its very first Tweet, which was binary code. The message, when translated, read “I’m feeling lucky.” This is a reference to the term used for their second button when performing a search, which sends […]

Learn More About How SEO Reporting Helps Businesses

The first Google “doodle” depicting Burning Man is from 1998 and was intended to be used as an out of office message to let people know that the co founders were at the Nevada festival. Fast forward to less than 20 years later and by 2014 mobile device Internet usage will outnumber desktop usage. Did […]

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