SEO news can tell you a lot about what is going on in the sphere of marketing. In 2009, Google released its very first Tweet, which was binary code. The message, when translated, read “I’m feeling lucky.” This is a reference to the term used for their second button when performing a search, which sends users to the very first result of the very first page. The wording implies that users are placing their faith in Google to find results that they want. Website owners are feeling lucky too, thanks to the fact that Google receives between 65 and 70 percent of the internet search engine market share. That means a lot of users are choosing Google rankings as their primary means of finding new sites. When you need to be able to compete, SEO news may be there to show you what is changing.
Maintaining the competitive edge is important. Google rents goats from a grazing company to mow the lawn of their headquarters, which may sound like a flight of fancy, but actually displays the core philosophies behind the company. Organic results, natural methods, and appropriate actions are all vital to the company. Likewise, SEO news can tell you more about internet marketing and how it is reflecting the push from Google toward more organic, natural results. If you are a reseller who delivers content to your clients, or you are a company that needs online PR help, SEO news can provide you with up to date information on how to be te most effective. Seo blogs can give you the inside perspective on what is changing, and what you may need to know about how you handle your SEO marketing. Great SEO news sites can also provide you with helpful links, statistics, and more.
42 percent of users who search on Google click on the top ranking, organic search engine result. That means that the first site that looks and feels natural is going to be the most popular, naturally. Search engine rankings are how they got there, and SEO news is how you learn more about them. From the basics of internet marketing, to more in depth discussions on its complexities, a great site for the latest SEO news will keep you informed. Being left behind can hurt your competitiveness, so stay sharp by following the latest developments in online marketing strategies and search engine optimization.