Why is Google Rankings So Important?

If you had seen the most recent Google news stories you probably read that Eric Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman, just received a performance bonus consisting of $100 million in stock options and $6 million in cash. This is only the latest story that merely hints at the international dominance Google has built over the last […]

Use Search Engine Optimization for Your Business

If you run your own business and you’re interested in improving your online marketing efforts, you will definitely want to invest in search engine optimization, or SEO. When it comes to SEO marketing, the goal is for your website to have the highest search engine ranking possible on sites such as Google. This way, you […]

SEO News Can Keep You Sharp

SEO news can tell you a lot about what is going on in the sphere of marketing. In 2009, Google released its very first Tweet, which was binary code. The message, when translated, read “I’m feeling lucky.” This is a reference to the term used for their second button when performing a search, which sends […]