Are you frustrated because your website does not seem to be generating any new leads for your business? The world of internet marketing can be tricky, especially if you are unfamiliar with all the options out there. The trick is to optimize your internet presence. Search engine optimization, or SEO, utilizes a variety of tactics in order to increase your search engine rankings, most notably on Google.
Google’s PageRank algorithm, named after co Google founder Larry Page, ranks websites based on how “important” they are in a given search engine results. The higher your Google rankings, the higher your site shows up in a result and the more leads your website will generate. Leads generated through SEO have a 14.6 percent closing rate, as opposed to the 1.7 percent closing rate that outbound leads generate. This is a huge difference, especially when you consider how many people are turning to the Internet to influence their purchasing decisions.
Over 88 percent of internet users over the age of 14 browsed or researched products on the internet in 2012. About 40 percent of those users followed up on social media, requesting information or recommendations from their friends before committing to buy anything. If you can create a strong internet presence, getting your name high in Google rankings, people are more likely to recommend your product to their friends.
You should also consider making your site mobile friendly. A whopping 65 percent of internet users report that they use their smart phone or tablet to research products before making a purchase. Nearly half of mobile users seek out promotions using their device. Creating a strong mobile site can be invaluable since many new users will be investigating your business through their devices.
If you research the various tools and strategies out there to increase your Google rankings
I am an English major and have been watching the increasing popularity of SEO with interest. Maybe this will mean a relatively well paying job for when I graduate?
I am an English major and have been watching the increasing popularity of SEO with interest. Maybe this will mean a relatively well paying job for when I graduate?
I am an English major and have been watching the increasing popularity of SEO with interest. Maybe this will mean a relatively well paying job for when I graduate?
I am an English major and have been watching the increasing popularity of SEO with interest. Maybe this will mean a relatively well paying job for when I graduate?